Uses of Interface

Packages that use Text
org.newsml.toolkit Interfaces for Accessing NewsML Information (v2.0) 
org.newsml.toolkit.dom DOM Implementation of the NewsML Interfaces (v2.0) 

Uses of Text in org.newsml.toolkit

Subinterfaces of Text in org.newsml.toolkit
 interface AssignedOriginText
          Text with assignment information and Origin subelements.
 interface AssignedText
          Text with identifiers and assignment information.
 interface BasisForChoice
          Basis for choosing among equivalent news components or content items.
 interface Comment
          A comment node in a NewsML document.
 interface Description
          A natural-language description of a topic.
 interface FormalNameDecl
          The declaration of a local name and scheme for a topic.
 interface IdText
          Text with identifiers.
 interface Origin
          A subelement in mixed content.
 interface OriginNode
          Mixed content text and Origin elements.
 interface OriginText
          Text with identifiers and origin subelements.
 interface RevisionId
          Revision information for a news item.
 interface TransmissionId
          An identifier for a NewsML document transmission.

Methods in org.newsml.toolkit that return Text
 Text HrefNode.getHref()
          Get the reference.
 Text Property.getValue()
          Get a literal string value for the property.
 Text Property.getValueRef()
          Get a pointer to a property's value.
 Text Property.getAllowedValues()
          Get the allowed values for the property.
 Text NewsItemId.getScheme()
          Get an explicitly-specified scheme for the formal name.
 Text Topic.getDetails()
          Get a URI pointing to additional details about the topic.
 Text Description.getVariant()
          An arbitrary tag to distinguish this description from others.
 Text RevisionId.getPreviousRevision()
          Get the number of the previous revision of the news item.
 Text RevisionId.getUpdate()
          Get the update parameter for the revision information.
 Text DefaultVocabularyFor.getContext()
          Get the XPath expression to match.
 Text DefaultVocabularyFor.getScheme()
          Get the scheme to be applied to any matches.
 Text TopicUse.getContext()
          Get an XPath for the context where the topic is used.
 Text NewsComponent.getEssential()
          Test whether the provider has flagged this component as essential.
 Text NewsComponent.getEquivalentsList()
          Test whether the members of this component are equivalents.
 Text FormalName.getScheme()
          Get an explicitly-specified scheme for the formal name.
 Text TopicSetRef.getRef()
          Get the reference string for the other topic set.
 Text Comment.getTranslationOf()
          Get the identifier of another comment translated by this one.
 Text NewsIdentifier.getDateId()
          Get the date portion of the news identifier.
 Text NewsIdentifier.getPublicIdentifier()
          Get a serialized version of the ID in a single string.
 Text LanguageNode.getLang()
          Get the language code.
 Text SourceList.getNewsItemURN()
          Get the news item pointer.
 Text BaseNode.getAttr(String xmlName)
          Get an attribute-based node by name.
 Text BaseNode.setAttr(Text attr)
          Set an attribute-based node, replacing any existing value.
 Text BaseNode.setAttr(String name, String value)
          Set an attribute value directly from a string.
 Text BaseNode.unsetAttr(Text attr)
          Unset an attribute-based node.
 Text BaseNode.unsetAttr(String name)
          Remove an attribute by name.
 Text TopicNode.getTopicRef()
          Get the reference.
 Text NewsItemRef.getRef()
          Get the reference string.
 Text FormalNameDecl.getScheme()
          Get a topic's declared scheme.
 Text TransmissionId.getRepeat()
          Get the repeat value for the transmission id.
 Text BasisForChoice.getRank()
          Rank this basis for choice.
 Text IdNode.getDuid()
          Get the Duid for this element.
 Text IdNode.getEuid()
          Get the Euid for this element.
 Text FormalNameNode.getName()
          Get the local name.
 Text FormalNameNode.getVocabulary()
          Get an explicitly-specified vocabulary reference.
 Text RevisionStatus.getRevision()
          Get the revision to which the new status applies.
 Text Encoding.getNotation()
          Get the notation for the data content.
 Text Delta.getTargetRef()
          Get the Duid of the target node.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createNewNodeAttr(String name)
          Create a new, empty NewsML attribute node.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createNewNodeAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing NewsML attribute node.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createAllowedValuesAttr()
          Create a new, empty AllowedValues attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createAllowedValuesAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing AllowedValues attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createAssignedByAttr()
          Create a new, empty AssignedBy attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createAssignedByAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing AssignedBy attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createConfidenceAttr()
          Create a new, empty Confidence attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createConfidenceAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Confidence attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createContextAttr()
          Create a new, empty Context attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createContextAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Context attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDateAndTimeAttr()
          Create a new, empty DateAndTime attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDateAndTimeAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing DateAndTime attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDetailsAttr()
          Create a new, empty Details attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDetailsAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Details attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDuidAttr()
          Create a new, empty Duid attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDuidAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Duid attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDuidRefAttr()
          Create a new, empty DuidRef attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDuidRefAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing DuidRef attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createEquivalentsListAttr()
          Create a new, empty EquivalentsList attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createEquivalentsListAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing EquivalentsList attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createEssentialAttr()
          Create a new, empty Essential attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createEssentialAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Essential attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createEuidAttr()
          Create a new, empty Euid attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createEuidAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Euid attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createFormalNameAttr()
          Create a new, empty FormalName attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createFormalNameAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing FormalName attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createHowPresentAttr()
          Create a new, empty HowPresent attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createHowPresentAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing HowPresent attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createHrefAttr()
          Create a new, empty Href attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createHrefAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Href attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createImportanceAttr()
          Create a new, empty Importance attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createImportanceAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Importance attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createNewsItemAttr()
          Create a new, empty NewsItem attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createNewsItemAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing NewsItem attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createNotationAttr()
          Create a new, empty Notation attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createNotationAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Notation attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createPreviousRevisionAttr()
          Create a new, empty PreviousRevision attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createPreviousRevisionAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing PreviousRevision attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createRankAttr()
          Create a new, empty Rank attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createRankAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Rank attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createRepeatAttr()
          Create a new, empty Repeat attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createRepeatAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Repeat attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createRevisionAttr()
          Create a new, empty Revision attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createRevisionAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Revision attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createSchemeAttr()
          Create a new, empty Scheme attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createSchemeAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Scheme attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createTopicAttr()
          Create a new, empty Topic attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createTopicAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Topic attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createTopicSetAttr()
          Create a new, empty TopicSet attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createTopicSetAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing TopicSet attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createTranslationOfAttr()
          Create a new, empty TranslationOf attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createTranslationOfAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing TranslationOf attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createUpdateAttr()
          Create a new, empty Update attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createUpdateAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Update attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createValueAttr()
          Create a new, empty Value attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createValueAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Value attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createValueRefAttr()
          Create a new, empty ValueRef attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createValueRefAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing ValueRef attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createVariantAttr()
          Create a new, empty Variant attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createVariantAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Variant attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createVocabularyAttr()
          Create a new, empty Vocabulary attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createVocabularyAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Vocabulary attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createXMLLangAttr()
          Create a new, empty xml:lang attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createXMLLangAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing xml:lang attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDateId()
          Create a new, empty DateId element.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDateId(Text node)
          Copy an existing DateId element.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createPublicIdentifier()
          Create a new, empty PublicIdentifier element.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createPublicIdentifier(Text node)
          Copy an existing PublicIdentifier element.
 Text AssignmentNode.getAssignedBy()
          Get the party assigning the information.
 Text AssignmentNode.getAssignmentDateAndTime()
          Get the date and time of assignment.

Methods in org.newsml.toolkit with parameters of type Text
 Text BaseNode.setAttr(Text attr)
          Set an attribute-based node, replacing any existing value.
 Text BaseNode.unsetAttr(Text attr)
          Unset an attribute-based node.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createNewNodeAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing NewsML attribute node.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createAllowedValuesAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing AllowedValues attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createAssignedByAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing AssignedBy attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createConfidenceAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Confidence attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createContextAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Context attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDateAndTimeAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing DateAndTime attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDetailsAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Details attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDuidAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Duid attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDuidRefAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing DuidRef attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createEquivalentsListAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing EquivalentsList attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createEssentialAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Essential attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createEuidAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Euid attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createFormalNameAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing FormalName attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createHowPresentAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing HowPresent attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createHrefAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Href attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createImportanceAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Importance attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createNewsItemAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing NewsItem attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createNotationAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Notation attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createPreviousRevisionAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing PreviousRevision attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createRankAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Rank attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createRepeatAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Repeat attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createRevisionAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Revision attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createSchemeAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Scheme attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createTopicAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Topic attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createTopicSetAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing TopicSet attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createTranslationOfAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing TranslationOf attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createUpdateAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Update attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createValueAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Value attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createValueRefAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing ValueRef attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createVariantAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Variant attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createVocabularyAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing Vocabulary attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createXMLLangAttr(Text node)
          Copy an existing xml:lang attribute.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createDateId(Text node)
          Copy an existing DateId element.
 Text NewsMLFactory.createPublicIdentifier(Text node)
          Copy an existing PublicIdentifier element.

Uses of Text in org.newsml.toolkit.dom

Methods in org.newsml.toolkit.dom that return Text
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createNewNodeAttr(String name)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createNewNodeAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createAllowedValuesAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createAllowedValuesAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createAssignedByAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createAssignedByAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createConfidenceAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createConfidenceAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createContextAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createContextAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDateAndTimeAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDateAndTimeAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDetailsAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDetailsAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDuidAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDuidAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDuidRefAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDuidRefAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createEquivalentsListAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createEquivalentsListAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createEssentialAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createEssentialAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createEuidAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createEuidAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createFormalNameAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createFormalNameAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createHowPresentAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createHowPresentAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createHrefAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createHrefAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createImportanceAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createImportanceAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createNewsItemAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createNewsItemAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createNotationAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createNotationAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createPreviousRevisionAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createPreviousRevisionAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createRankAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createRankAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createRepeatAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createRepeatAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createRevisionAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createRevisionAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createSchemeAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createSchemeAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createTopicAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createTopicAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createTopicSetAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createTopicSetAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createTranslationOfAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createTranslationOfAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createUpdateAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createUpdateAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createValueAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createValueAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createValueRefAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createValueRefAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createVariantAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createVariantAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createVocabularyAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createVocabularyAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createXMLLangAttr()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createXMLLangAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDateId()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDateId(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createPublicIdentifier()
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createPublicIdentifier(Text node)

Methods in org.newsml.toolkit.dom with parameters of type Text
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createNewNodeAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createAllowedValuesAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createAssignedByAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createConfidenceAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createContextAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDateAndTimeAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDetailsAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDuidAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDuidRefAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createEquivalentsListAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createEssentialAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createEuidAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createFormalNameAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createHowPresentAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createHrefAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createImportanceAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createNewsItemAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createNotationAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createPreviousRevisionAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createRankAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createRepeatAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createRevisionAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createSchemeAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createTopicAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createTopicSetAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createTranslationOfAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createUpdateAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createValueAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createValueRefAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createVariantAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createVocabularyAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createXMLLangAttr(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createDateId(Text node)
 Text DOMNewsMLFactory.createPublicIdentifier(Text node)