Uses of Class

Packages that use TestBase
org.newsml.toolkit.conformance NewsML Conformance Testing (v2.0) 

Uses of TestBase in org.newsml.toolkit.conformance

Subclasses of TestBase in org.newsml.toolkit.conformance
 class CatalogTest
          Catalog-specific conformance tests.
 class ContentItemTest
          ContentItem-specific conformance tests.
 class DateTimeTest
          Test date/time format.
 class DefaultVocabularyForTest
          DefaultVocabularyFor-specific conformance tests.
 class EuidTest
          Euid-specific conformance tests.
 class FormalNameTest
          FormalName-specific conformance tests.
 class NewsComponentTest
          NewsComponent-specific conformance tests.
 class NewsIdentifierTest
          NewsIdentifier-specific conformance tests.
 class NewsItemTest
          NewsItem-specific conformance tests.
 class NewsLineTest
          NewsLine-specific conformance tests.
 class PatternTest
          Test Text content against a regular expression.
 class PropertyTest
          Test a Property node.
 class RefTest
          Test a reference.
 class ResourceTest
          Resource-specific conformance tests.
 class RevisionIdTest
          RevisionId-specific conformance tests.
 class RevisionStatusTest
          RevisionStatus-specific conformance tests.
 class TopicSetTest
          TopicSet-specific conformance tests.
 class TopicTest
          Topic-specific conformance tests.
 class TopicUseTest
          TopicUse-specific conformance tests.
 class XMLLangTest
          Validate the values of an xml:lang attributes in the document.

Methods in org.newsml.toolkit.conformance with parameters of type TestBase
 void NewsMLTestManager.addTest(String xpath, TestBase test)
          Register a new test for the manager.